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«------•}¦ Unit - 13 ¦{•------» - Registration Agreement Terms

Forum Terms of service

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In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

Site Rules

This site is an open space for the exchange experiments and opinions mainly on data processing but not only. By registering you, then by posting your contributions on this site, you accept its conditions of use and the authority of the staff (owner, administrator and moderator). The made remarks engage only you and could not represent the opinion of Y-killa forum Site
General Rules
• Being an active members, not just a down loader or a ghost. That means your
participation in this site activities are highly encouraged.

• Please Scan Your Files Before Uploading or Posting On Site.Scan Here www.virustotal.com and Also Upload Virus Scan Result Image.
• Posting in the correct forums. Any violation will be warned or banned.
• Expression of Racist talk or opinions are not allowed under any circumstance.
• Help out to other members, friendly with others, especially new members.
• Using the Search function and the index system of the site before you
make any other posts to request.
• Respect decisions of the staff under any circumstances, as their decisions
will be final.
• If you have a problem with another member of this community, use the
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• No advertising allowed without staff permission under any circumstances
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Posting Rules
• Before making a post use the SEARCH function Please refer to this topic for instructions on how to use it
• Add Your links to existing topics ( if there are any )
• Information is crucial so always add it to Your post ( screenshots, if available, as well )
• Always add a VALID link and a fix ( if one exists )
• Check fix-links ( viruses, worms, Trojans and browser hijackers ) before posting
• If You want to add a reply to Your topic, please use the EDIT button
instead of making double-posts
• Do not Flood our board. Violation will be punished.
• Do not bump old threads just to say the links are dead or to ask for a re-upload. or use the PM system to inform the Staff or Team Member.
• Do not post links or submit programs, software which are infected with Trojans or key loggers without another users knowledge.
• Share, Resources and Helps (No copyright materials)

by: !~*Fadi*~!